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What is Umbraco warm-up?
The Umbraco warm-up process entails preparing an application for optimal performance before serving live traffic.
This is particularly important when we experience a cold start, which can lead to slower response times when the app is accessed after being idle or newly deployed.
Warming up an app involves executing tasks that ensure all necessary components are fully operational and running efficiently.
Why use Background Job for Umbraco warm-up?
Using a background job for warming up an Umbraco CMS is strategic because it prepares your application for peak performance without impacting the main thread's responsiveness.
This approach allows resource-intensive tasks, such as preloading content, compiling pages, and warming up cache, to be handled in the background.
By doing so, the main thread remains free to handle incoming user requests immediately, ensuring a smooth and fast user experience from the very start.
Alternatively, you can use the UmbracoApplicationStartedNotification handler to warm up a website, but you must be aware that this solution may not be efficient in some scenarios.
Introducing the Warm-Up Service
The UmbracoWarmerHostedService operates by scheduling and executing a background task that pre-loads specified URLs of an Umbraco site.
It initiates a scope to access services that provide a list of URLs to warm up and a strategy to warm them up, typically by making HTTP requests to these URLs.
This ensures the site's pages are cached and ready for quick delivery to visitors.
The service logs the outcome of each warm-up attempt, allowing for monitoring and troubleshooting of the warm-up process.
public class UmbracoWarmerHostedService : RecurringHostedServiceBase
private readonly ILogger<UmbracoWarmerHostedService> _logger;
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private static TimeSpan _period = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); //Let's assume one warm up daily
private static TimeSpan _delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
private IUrlWarmupStrategy _urlWarmupStrategy;
private IUrlWarmupProvider _urlWarmupProvider;
public UmbracoWarmerHostedService(
ILogger<UmbracoWarmerHostedService> logger,
IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(logger, _period, _delay)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_logger = logger;
public override async Task PerformExecuteAsync(object? state)
using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
_urlWarmupProvider = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IUrlWarmupProvider>();
_urlWarmupStrategy = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IUrlWarmupStrategy>();
var urls = await _urlWarmupProvider.GetWarmupUrlsAsync();
foreach (var url in urls)
bool isSuccess = await _urlWarmupStrategy.WarmupUrlAsync(url);
if (isSuccess)
_logger.LogInformation($"{url} was warmed up successfully");
_logger.LogError($"{url} warm up failed");
// Handle the failure case, e.g., log, retry, or take other actions
Once the background job executes - you can expect a similar trace log:
[10:02:35 INF] was warmed up successfully
[10:02:36 ERR] warm up failed
[10:02:36 INF] was warmed up successfully
[10:02:36 ERR] warm up failed
The Core Interfaces: IUrlWarmupStrategy and IUrlWarmupProvider interfaces
These define contracts for developing strategies to warm up URLs and for providing URLs to be warmed up, respectively.
public interface IUrlWarmupStrategy
Task<bool> WarmupUrlAsync(string url);
public interface IUrlWarmupProvider
Task<IList<string>> GetWarmupUrlsAsync();
Static and Dynamic URL Warm-Up
The StaticUrlWarmupProvider allows for the specification of a predefined list of URLs to be preloaded, ideal for consistently crucial pages of your site.
Conversely, the DynamicUrlWarmupProvider dynamically generates URLs to warm up based on the Umbraco content types you need, adapting to site content changes.
This flexibility means you can easily switch between static and dynamic strategies based on your site's needs, ensuring optimal performance and user experience by keeping essential pages ready for immediate access.
public class StaticUrlWarmupProvider : IUrlWarmupProvider
public async Task<IList<string>> GetWarmupUrlsAsync()
// This example returns a static list of URLs, but you could
// fetch them from a database, configuration file, or external service.
return new List<string>
public class DynamicUrlWarmupProvider : IUrlWarmupProvider
private readonly PublishedContentHelper _publishedContentHelper;
private readonly IList<string> _contentTypesAliasesToWarmup;
public DynamicUrlWarmupProvider(PublishedContentHelper publishedContentHelper)
_publishedContentHelper = publishedContentHelper;
// Initialize with a predefined list of content type aliases to warm up
_contentTypesAliasesToWarmup = new List<string>
// Add more content type aliases as needed
public Task<IList<string>> GetWarmupUrlsAsync()
List<string> urls = new List<string>();
foreach (var contentType in _contentTypesAliasesToWarmup)
var contentUrls = _publishedContentHelper.GetAllUrlsByContentType(contentType);
return Task.FromResult((IList<string>)urls);
To get all Url's for specific content types in Umbraco, you can implement a similiar helper:
public class PublishedContentHelper
private IUmbracoContextFactory _umbracoContextFactory;
public PublishedContentHelper(IUmbracoContextFactory umbracoContextFactory)
_umbracoContextFactory = umbracoContextFactory;
public IList<string> GetAllUrlsByContentType(string alias)
using (var cref = _umbracoContextFactory.EnsureUmbracoContext())
var contentCache = cref.UmbracoContext.Content;
var contentType = contentCache.GetContentType(alias);
if (contentType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException($"Published content type not found for {alias}");
return contentCache.GetByContentType(contentType).Select(x=>x.Url()).ToList();
Accelerating Umbraco with the UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy
The UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy uses an HttpClient to send HTTP requests to URLs that need to be preloaded.
Key parameters include the HttpClient for making requests and a logger for tracking the outcome of each attempt.
The strategy sets a request timeout to avoid long waits and handle successful responses and failures.
public class UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy : IUrlWarmupStrategy
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
private TimeSpan _requestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90);
private readonly ILogger<UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy> _logger;
public UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy(HttpClient httpClient, ILogger<UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy> logger)
_httpClient = httpClient;
_logger = logger;
_httpClient.Timeout = _requestTimeout;
public async Task<bool> WarmupUrlAsync(string url)
// Attempt to make the HTTP call
var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync($"{url}?warmup=1");
// Check if the response indicates success (e.g., HTTP 200 OK)
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Log success or store success state as needed
return true; // Indicates the refresh was successful
// Log failure or store failure state as needed
return false; // Indicates the refresh was not successful
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, $"Warm up failed for {url}.");
// Log exception details here
return false; // Indicates the refresh was not successful due to an exception
Integrate Warm-Up Services in Umbraco
You must configure an Umbraco application to use a warm-up service and dynamic and static URL providers. This is done within the Compose method.
The commented line shows how to switch to a static list of URLs by using the StaticUrlWarmupProvider.
public void Compose(IUmbracoBuilder builder)
builder.Services.AddScoped<IUrlWarmupProvider, DynamicUrlWarmupProvider>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IUrlWarmupStrategy, UrlWarmupHttpClientStrategy>();
//builder.Services.AddScoped<IUrlWarmupProvider, StaticUrlWarmupProvider>();
Final Thoughts: Energizing Umbraco for Speed and Efficiency
In conclusion, implementing a comprehensive warm-up strategy for Umbraco sites, leveraging dynamic and static content warming providers alongside efficient HTTP strategies, elevates the user experience and significantly reduces load times.
By intelligently preloading content, you ensure that your sites are not just ready but perform at their peak when a user arrives.
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